If a women meets a man who doesn’t want to have sex at first,would you think it’s unnatural or strange.
I don’t want to get in sex relationship before I really meet someone.
Would you wait?
well I only get into relationships where sexual attraction is at least a little bit part of the equation. otherwise I stay single.
but there is no problem with waiting and building a trust and connection first. as I get older im more and more like that. sex is not as important to me for one, and I only want serious relationships that could lead to marriage or a lifetime of companionship.
I don’t want fling’s but if I thought it may lead to something more, I may have sex early on I guess is what im saying.
Well,I really want to be with woman who attracts me in other ways,like thinking,same interests (music for example),more spiritual way then psychical.I look at woman as equal to me,in every way,kind of upgrading together ourselves.Maybe it’s hard to describe.
Me too. I’ve been wanting to establish some kind of communication with a woman before we have sex. I’ve been wanting some kind of intimacy. The girls in the assisted living center where I live just want to ■■■■. I was talking to one a while back, and she said, “I don’t want to talk. I just want to ■■■■.” These days it is the women who just want sex, and the men want intimacy. I’m getting old. I need a partner.
in that words?..
I always made a point of not having sex on the first night were in bed. Im talking about a couple of woman i brought back from the bar. Some woman seem surprised by this - and i could be seen as wierd, but i like to get to know the woman first, before im intimate with them.
One girl, always jumped on me in the morning. And it always put me off.
Maybe thats why im single - but ive never been into a one night stand bonking.
I don’t go to bar
Really,this is what I was aware of.This is gonna be man to man talk.
Some women (and men) don’t want to have sex because they’ve experienced psychological/physical/sexual abuse.
When I met my girlfriend, her previous boyfriend beat the crap out of her. He kicked her in the face, breaking her nose and knocking some teeth down her throat.
She told me this, and I understood. She’s better now, but if I pushed her for sex I would have lost her. And I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.
If someone I’m dating doesn’t push for sex, I take that as a rare instance of them being respectful.
Thanks @Pikasaur .I understand.And agree with that.Sex comes at last if needed at all.
I was good friends with my husband before we started dating. We held off on sex and got married before we had intimate anything. We fell in love with each other’s personality and mind. But the sexual attraction was there, we just didn’t act on it until we were both ready.
It’s rare.I ask because of my age and look.I’m not attractive to women,and been through sex relationships when I was young.
Now I realize that life in two can be different.I want someone,regardless of look who will share everything with me.
But when it comes to sex,I always thought I was abusing girls,but in fact,now I realize I abused my self,and always hope some of that memory will disappear if I start again my life differently.Sexless.
The person I’m seeing wants to wait to have sex until we really know each other. This is rare for gay men and for some reason I really like it. We are intimate just no sex.
My husband and I dated for 9 months before ever having srx, but we were both virgins and teens. I made the decision way back that if I slept with someone there had to be a connection. He never pushed it, so I guess I lucked out.
I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else or even date if John and I split or he passed, i am a one and done. I chose 1 person to have sex with, I’m done. I might have got that attitude from my Papa cause he didn’t date before my Grama, so they married within 3 months of knowing each other. He passed first, but Grama never dated or left the house after he died. They both died respectively at age 67 (2006, 2013)
Besides, 20 years off the market, online dating had started after I was dating John, lol. I had to help my 30 year old mom look for a boyfriend on Yahoo personals at age 16, that is awkward. I mean, I tried to make her the best I could, but a 30 year old with a 16, 12, and 8 year old daughters, well the creeps came out. Maybe cause Yahoo Personals was a free site?
I noticed from my friends tales that women my age,or more,go for sex just like that.I guess it’s desperate need to be wanted again
Matter of fact,that is truth.But now it’s to late for me to wish younger girl who expects family or such.And not very secure to approach someone
Exactly those words. It doesn’t take that much imagination.
My partner said I’m demisexual… I don’t want to get intimate with someone before understanding them and getting to know them … If they put walls up emotionally but talk about sex constantly I would just run… I’m also not like most people i don’t seem to want it all the time but that’s not to say I don’t love him.
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