Would it be funny

If I made no budget rap music videos. My friend said he has a camera and would turn all my songs to music videos. Rather than dropping $500 to make 1 video. Of course my first choice would be my collaboration with my friend so maybe he’d split the costs with me. But I think it’d be better to make no budget videos.


I’m hanging out with him later today. I’m gonna hit him up with the idea again while we’re chilling.

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i’ve don’t think i’ve ever invested that much in my creativity before. i usually give the same amount in time and thought though

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And sell it on iTunes.


I don’t think I have either! Except my rent. Maybe when I bought the PS3 when it first came out. I think that was in the 400 range tho. I’ve never even spent that money on drugs. Most I spent was 420.

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Post it on YouTube is the plan!


Actually @sirBoring I’ve bought most my car. That wasn’t cheap :frowning: Forgot about that. !!

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I think no budget rap videos have a certain appeal to them.