I’ve been very interested in acting for about three or four years after seeing a movie that inspired me to want to start acting. I’ve found places near where I live that do acting classes and even two talent agencies, but there’s some part of me that’s really hesitant about becoming an actress. With me being psychotic and having depression, anxiety, PDD-NOS and a small plethora of other possible undiagnosed MIs, I’m afraid that I’ll be really bad at acting and that my MIs may get in the way of an art that I’d like to learn more about and to be able to perform.
Have you ever watched City Island? the guy in the movie takes acting classes. i dont think its much different in real life than in the movie.
I don’t think MI will get in the way of your acting skills, Acting is a creative act, some MI people are creative geniuses.
go for it…what have you to loose !?!
someone i know is pretty well known…go to classes first before signing up with an agent.
and signing up to an agent is free .
and most actors have anxiety etc…so don’t worry about that.
talk to @CloudDog on here…she writes plays and stuff.
take care
No, I’ve never watched City Island, though I’ll try to check it out.
Thank you for telling me. I haven’t practiced acting in a while, though I’d like to do more to develop skills. I guess the fact that I haven’t recited monologues in several months is another factor in my hesitance. But I remember that I loved performing the monologue.
Acting is tough. To make it real generally you have to use a lot of emotions. It messes with moods too much for me . Strong emotion is hard to for me. I tried acting when I was 21.
Drama class can be fun though!
It’s a great thing to get into.
Do you live in a large city?
I have heard a lot of input and support through disability theatre Groups, two of them one in my city and one two hours away.
Support I have had ranges from acting exercise groups to performance groups and writing support with a very supportive dramaturge… Financial support, with travel Free nights at the theatre weekly, Days out, great people… Who support sweet what ever I am doing… Even if it’s stuff that is getting to be professional i’ve had their support
Another great it is to sign up with a casting agency… He two extras work i’ve done some of this as well… Not much though… This specifically won’t lead to other things but it is experience and money although you probably can’t make that thing out of it… Depends where you live I guess.
There is one guy, who is going to be in my play who I know from the group ‘our space’ at theatre royal Plymouth …, He has had a lot of extras work in both films and TV series… Here’s doing voice acting and personal work with ratdio, TV … Sometimes even speaking parts…
It’s a fairly tough game to get into …, everyone is pretty sensitive… And it’s a small world in a way … I’ve managed to piss someone off just by being myself and being a real idiot when it comes to what comes out of my mouth sometimes ., leading to plenty of paranoia … They’re all nice friendly people though… And can all relate to all of it… Even if you get drunk with power for a second with a success… People would relate to that as well .
It’s important to be nice to everyone… and you have to be fairly good socially, or at least not a complete disaster at all times …
I even had contacts with one group in the USA in Connecticut … Who have performed A five minute monologue I wrote for them.
Financially, £25.00 it’s all I have and as a writer for the last three years… And as an extra about £120.00. It’s not really a career that anyone gets into for the money, although actors would find more paid work than writers I think.
Correction Extras work does lead to other things… It’s a great first step they just won’t automatically come and get you
Even if you are a very successful it is unlikely you will make more than minimum wage, And likely much less… That is fine if you’re on disability already… As long as he gets bit of help from the government
if its something that you want to do and are able to do then i would say ‘why not?’ you could be the next Jodie Foster or the female in pirates of the Caribbean Elizabeth Swan lol (loved her in that)
yeah, why dont you? do you think you will be able to cope with it? what about under pressure? they say… do this, do that, give it more energy, you look amazing, do that again only smile more, yeah it will take practice but its the only way we can learn to do the things that we know we will really enjoy,
Thank you for letting me know, darksith. I’m aware of having to take classes before actually finding an agent. I’m going to do that before I start looking for an agent. I’d also like to thank you for telling me about CloudDog and the encouragement.
I don’t live in a large city, though I’m about an hour or so away from one. Thank you very much for all of the information that you’ve shared with me. It’s really helped me a lot, and I’ll try to keep it in mind.
Tons of actors have mental illnesses. Go for it, and if you get famous, use your fame to help fight the stigma, like Johnny Depp.