Worried St. Anne's has been taken over by militants

The main hospital in my area which they are in the process of selling off, next to the Mosque belonging to my Sheikh and surrounded by people of the same ancestry as my father, seems to have been taken over by militants from another continent. It is quite scary. In the past I have romanticised revolution but never colonialization, but karma, if you believe in that, has a habit of going in cycles, and progressing to greater and greater heights. I am scared to go there on my own, even though I trust the process, there is no one with my interests at heart, and no one who can relate to my mixed cultural background, I am certainly not black, except in heart and soul, but then neither are the militants, they come from a world which was traumatised by similar events to my ancestors, the trouble is they don’t recognise it. As the yi jing says, the oracle is not in the business of encouraging conflict, hexagram 49 is one of the most difficult to master for the good of all, whilst medication is a constant battle for supremacy, sadly, both these things seem to me to be in the hands of the rabble, I truly am scared for my life.

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