Worried I'll never find a good job


I have three college degrees, but so far I haven’t been able to find a good, full-time job that pays a good wage. I’ve been working a part-time job this year, which is better than nothing, but if I don’t want to end up homeless I’m going to need to make more money. I’m lucky I live with my parents, but I can’t live with them forever. Anyone else worried about not being able to make money?


I’m very much worried about the same thing. Everything depends on my livelihood. Keep on searching and do your best for it. Hopefully it works out.

You are not alone in this worry/fear.

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When I was at college I couldn’t imagine being able to get anything other than a minimum wage job, but actually it might not have been bad for me to start out in a job like that. Maybe in time I could have moved up. The best route for me to go would be digging ditches. I realize there isn’t much upward mobility in such jobs, but maybe I could have found a way. But I was to intimidated and to demoralized to do that. At the end of the day I was to demoralized and stressed out to go anywhere or do anything. I’ve always had a lot of trouble sleeping, and I was often very tired during the day. I gradually slipped into a psychosis. Alcohol played a big role in my situation. As long as I was drinking there was little to no hope that I would thrive.

i dropped out of highschool at 18 cause of teachers and students bullying me. i dont have my ged. i have turrets so i cant drive and ive tried 4 years to get a check but nothing. ill never be able to work or even get my own money when my family eventually dies ill be homeless or go to a home for adults who cant take care of themselves. this worries me every day

Sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you.

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do you get social security

Yes, and it helps.

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you still young take it easy.your future is bright.i will pray for you my friend

Thank you for your prayers.

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are you american do you have good social support like job centre

Yes there are some places, I think.

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All I gotta do is work a minimum wage job. It would be more than I make on social security.

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ask you self what do you need out of a job.are you planning on having a family.if not then you can find small job earn small wage.and then think from there.step by step my friend

Okay, good idea.

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minimum wage is not bad or shameful.as long as you can support yourself.as long as your happy

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İ think key thing at working field is experience.experience most important thing at working career and you should earn experience from low level(minimum wage and responsibility)job to high level (highest salary and maximum responsibility)job.if you try to gain experience from high level job first its usually end up for firing.this is happened in my case.you should try gain experience at low level jobs first.

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