Work discrimination

Hey first post here

Has anyone ever received discrimination at work?

I had a major episode and when it came to coming back to work they set an OH doctor on me which made it nigh on impossible to come back so they passively pushed me out.


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I lost my job when I got sick. I’m on disability now based on my lifetime work credits.

What’s “OH” mean?

Welcome to the forum by the way, it’s a great place for support. I’ve been coming here for two and a half years now :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum :pig::pig::pig:

Yes I’m on disability now though I feel I am able to work being honest,

I’m based in the UK and an OH doctor is an occupational health doctor.

They referred me to one after I had the episode and they actually said I was fit for work then made an excuse to contact my Psychiatrist who then said I was not fit for work.

I feel like they just wanted an excuse to get rid of me.

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Do you have a human resources department you can talk to?

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They were the ones who arranged the doctor and are not much help.

On the bright side I’ve got other interviews but my gut tells me they just didn’t want someone with SZ there

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That’s a real shame, you might be right. I haven’t tried to find work since getting sick, even though I got mostly better I still hear voices and they are very distracting while trying to work.

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I mainly hallucinate, colour shapes and when bad deceased relatives, even aliens… with paranoia on top!

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