
The first light of morning
is the first light in your dark eyes

and when you wake the stars
erase even your most clear dream

there is a head with birds for voices
around it but they won’t fly off the handle

and you greet nothing but hope in
the vast opportunities


very nice
feels like I’m there in your backyard…

don’t put it past me.

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meet me in the Grand Canyon
and we can go looking for water

it always seems so dry when I look at it

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ha sweet!

but will he drink?

I must still be thinking about the missionaries in the desert.


where do you find that?
of course, that’s Root Beer, right?

oh my,
always think of Mother Mary
on her donkey.

Anyway, yeah Ice Beers for me, strong,
but not dark.

there’s a song,
"Talk to the Animals"
that might be Mary Poppins,
not sure.
Yeah, it’s great when they respond.

That is beautiful @Daze

oh, you mean my little poem,
thanks, honey.
just wrote it quickly,
but I was up early today.

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you have something though.

you’re different, wonderdunk.

All animals sense your love, patience and grace among them.
They also pick up your scent, your size, your singularity.

I believe everything you say to me.

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the priests take a vow,
they wear a ring.

When I went to Easter Mass with my kids and my brothers,
the priest I’ve known most of my life
who ended back here
in a roundabout way,

he walked through the congregation blessing us
with holy water, sprinkling it, but kind of throwing it
like confetti.

I turned to look at him walking away,
and for the first time in my life I said to myself,

"Roman. Roman Catholic. He looked and walked
and gave that presence.

tragedy, history.
Each of us, maybe, sz.

I named my son Alec
after the young boy in The Black Stallion,

and I named by daughter Beth
after the Kiss song.

thanks for sharing.
I’m going to call some friends on my phone.
I’ll be around though.
Having problems with my phone though,
not sure why, so thanks for being online.