Women and psychosis

An information guide.

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It says women don’t tend to have cognition problems. But in my case I still do.

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I do too. To my embarrassment, I couldn’t subtract 102 from 2019 the other day. I said something like 1898. I was clear off the mark.

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That requires borrowing and carrying. I can’t do that. You’re not alone! :slight_smile:


Lol, I tend to forget how to spell. Don’t know if that’s a cognitive symptom or not, but it’s fu cking annoying.

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I had to do it in my head too. Normally, it would have been an easy calculation in my head. But, not that day!

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Lol no it doesn’t. Just take away 100 then take away 2 more. Yes, I can do that, but sometimes, I can’t remember how to spell my own name. *sigh*


I used to be able to spell almost anything. Not anymore.

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Right? Like, I used to just “sound it out” and things were fine. Meanwhile, today, I tried to spell “veigns” instead of “veins.”


LOL. That’s funny!

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That’s what you get when you are trying to say Vein Reign! Which is a simple greeting for elves. :rofl:


I’ve never heard of it.

It’s a bad joke. :sunglasses:

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i cognate fine and spell but i’m hecked if i can be happy.

I read this article. I . DON’T . WANT . TO . BE . ON . MEDS . ANYMORE. The side effects like passivity, anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia explain me to a T. Plus ever since I got more and more of this crap in my system it effected my appearance. I used to look so clear and not drugged. Healthy and youthful. Now I find myself using cover up to hide my ugliness. My psychiatrist drugged me to the max, now my thoughts are fake, I cant adapt to this mess of medications. I’d rather live off them, because my pdoc hasn’t EVER gave me a low dose. They say that women should be on low doses. I’m not even heavy! I’m a size 10, and before the second gens I was a size 6! I cant accept this. I really cant accept this…

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A calculator is our friend

You should seriously get a new PDoc. You should not be this miserable and should have full input on experimenting with lowering doses and/or trying different meds. If they are just sitting behind a desk pushing you max doses then shame on them, disgraceful. Find a new doc ASAP.

My negatives are pretty pronounced. But I’m also gender fluid and lean more toward male. And they say our brains are visible male or female according to what we feel our gender should be and not according to what our biological sex is. I wonder if that’s why? Food for thought, anyways.

I’ve tried like 10-11 APs. The most successful one was fluphenazine, then they gave me that in injection form, I declined that was like 37.5 mg or something then an additional 20mg in pills along with the injection, cogentin, and Klonopin. I’ve had 5 pdocs and they all max me up. One time I was on 12mg risperidone a day!

@Winterblues I take 12mg of risperidone a day plus prn haldol. I didn’t have success with a ton of APs, either. Don’t give up. Speak up.