It is very painful to the touch. If it doesn’t get better in a few days I’ll get it checked out.
Dang. Does it burn or hurt like a bruise?
Contact dermatitis maybe?
I’m not a doctor but I’ve had similar things before.
Hurts to touch like a very sore bruise
Hope it feels better soon @FatMama .
I feel lots of itches lately on my arms and legs. I think its from the cheap wine I am drinking lately. Lots of preservatives.
Is it itchy? Are you able to bend your wrist?
It is possible you have Cellulitis, an infection of the skin. If it is you’ll need to see a doctor. Just keep an eye on it. If the redness begins spreading and pain increases you’ll definitely need to be seen by your doctor.
Looks like a spider bite…
I wouldn’t wait. You never know what it is
I would draw a circle around the edges, and if the red patch goes outside the line you drew, go right to the ER. If it is hot to the touch, you might want to go right to the ER anyways. It is hard to tell from a picture whether it is infected or not, but skin infections can be pretty serious.
Thanks all. It is still tender but the redness is pretty much gone
might be a blood clot…get it checked out.
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