Without addiction

I quit smoking for awhile and started again, cause I don’t know what to do with myself without tabbacco. My life evolved around cigarettes for around 35 years. It’s hard, I try again. What you experienced quitting your addiction ?

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Quitting an addiction is tough. I had to get help with alcohol. I quit coffee by cutting down gradually.

I’d like to quit vaping but I think I’ll have to quit it cold turkey. I tried cutting down but that wasn’t a success.

Could you switch to vaping?


Vaping is not really an option in this country. I still use patches. I smoke the packet I purchased and try again. I noticed having a stroll (walk outside without direction) is helpful.

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Keep trying! I only succeeded to quit smoking after dozens of attempts . I used gum for a while and then quit totally. I haven’t smoken a cigarette in over 3 years. You can do it! As many on this forum prove.

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I weaned myself off, and replaced it with other habits. I sucked on sugar free candies for a while. After some time went by, I found I didn’t need that either

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