Witchcraft Delusions TW

I used to believe my urinary problems was someone stabbing a voodoo doll to hurt me.

I used to believe people were doing nasty magic on me to torment me make me suffer hurt me.

I don’t believe it anymore.


I always circle back to thinking it is black magic when I hear voices. I have a really hard time seeing things differently. Last night I only heard one voice, one sentence and I wrote on my blog trying to convince everyone that I am really being hexed. When will it end? When will I see straight?

Did you encounter a witch?

@anon80490300 my story is that I was interested in a man who was married and sloppily sort of flirting with him on Facebook and his wife and her friend have voodoo Pinterest pages so I assumed they did practice but I was not taking my meds at the time so I don’t know what happened. I backed off that guy and the voices got better. That is my story but I don’t want to trigger you. It is probably all bs and coincidence

Part of me thinks im delusional part of me thinks there is more to it

I see I don’t know really I don’t want to trigger you either

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I see myself as Magus/Magician.
Also I am the Magician card of Tarot.
The Magician card is the Querent

What about anti-psychotic’s drugs were wound the rule fit!

Watching Sabrina helped me get over my magic delusions. Not only is there an entire troupe acting out worshiping the devil and performing witchcraft, nothing has happened to them and theyre still normal people.

Though ive been playing video games my entire life and have been desensitized to magic.

Witches don’t worship any devil. That’s a myth.