When weather is windy,
negative thoughts by sun, go away.
om sadasiva. maybe because the sun and the weather make you happy?
It’s shocking that with all your meds your positive symptoms should remain so strong. Or is it that you’re trying to revolutionise weather science?
No, sun makes me suicidal
I don’t know what is wrong with me.
I have voices. I use headphones
Reading any good books at the moment?
I ordered the “paris commune” by Kropotkin,
“Dialectics in nature” by Engels,
“Utopian socialism and scientific socialism”
by Engels, and one about nations by Lenin
In English? If you have a kindle you can download those for free.
In Greek. I dont like e books.
I prerer paper.
Did you read anything interesting lately?
Yeah, some essays by Thomas de Quincey.
I have already died.
Im in heavens
Mesahá is my
spiritual abode
Pure Land
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