Will you be my Valentine?



I have never been out for valentines day before

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me either, I never really celebrated except to give treats to my kids

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Do you know what day it is?

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I think it’s the 14th but I’m not sure

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Here is a virtual valentine gesture for your posts on the site @Leaf

:black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart:

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thank you very much, I love it

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Is this a term position or full time?? :thinking:

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I’ve never been out for valentine’s day either. The only time I ever even sort of celebrated was in 5th grade. My boyfriend gave me a small box of chocolates. But we were like 11 years old? I don’t think that really counts. lol


lmao, you can put in as much time as you have to offer

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I remember at school people used to give out valentines day cards they made in class.

I don’t remember if I got any or not.

I just tend to ignore valentines day as I have never used it for what it’s for

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I loved those cheap little Valentines that the kids used to give out at school, oh and those little candy hearts.


I must admit that was a nice memory that has never surfaced in my mind since it happened.

Your thread made it come back!

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Do you remember those little candy hearts that said “be mine” and “I love you” ha ha I loved those things,

Haha. Those little Valentine’s cards with crudely drawn lips on the blank side in 5th grade?

But sure I’ll be your Valentine.


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Yeah! I have a Valentine! I’m so happy.


those are perfect

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You can still get them in England.

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Here ya go. From me to you.


Sorry for the long link.

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