Will my death bring the end of the universe?

I’ve been mulling over this for a year now. It’s only part of me, not my dominant social self, that believes this. But how do I know that I truly believe it, and if so, to which extent? I feel I’m trying to evade a reality I find very painful; I no longer can adequately filter the outside world. Is there such a thing as a part-time delusion? Hardly seems serious. It has to be said, vraylar/realiga has not helped me one bit. Let’s see with Latuda.


Good luck with the new med.


Latuda will help. I’ve had very similar delusions. Nothing like solipsism or anything where I’m the only one that is real or exists, but most likely because I’m “special” lol!!! (I prefer being “different” due to a past life memory over being special).

I used to be a computer simulator i.e. someone creating our reality, but that was a long time ago. I read a lot of philip k dick online and from wikipedia and sometimes I thought I was a machine or replicant or even a cylon from Battlestar Galactica. I’m not, but it’s fun to think about and laugh about. I’m sure some people believe in that sort of thing and who knows maybe they will in the future when we find out we live in a sim or something or that aliens exist. But that would be bad and scary. People might need to take their meds like we do haha.

Anyways, good luck with Latuda. It didn’t work for me, only Vraylar, but that doesn’t mean Latuda won’t do wonders for you!


They say that clozapine is like a miracle drug. I still have a lot of religious delusions that I rarely talk about (such I committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit or that I live in an alternative world) but I’ve heard that it works for many people


you are important, and some deaths have brought millions to the funeral.

Hope you’re not dwelling on death. Long life to you.

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It’s not the end, it’s a start.

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But can delusions be held on a part-time basis only?

I strongly believe that universe is my projection and a mental dream.


Yes, but diagnostically they’re not that important when they’re not mostly constant and strongly held.

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I am similar to this. I dont know if it will. Thats the crazy part about being in this state, we truly know nothing yet science would have you believe we are gods.


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