Will it hurt if I go 3 days without meds

In my area if you go off clozapine you have to titrate up again (like @WhiteRaven says).

What’s more they make you titrate on the ward. 4 weeks inpatient

I don’t have any symptoms anymore though

You will jeopardise school if you stop taking your meds

Doesn’t matter
I will never graduate

Wrong attitude to have🙅‍♂️

Believe in yourself

:confused: i dont even have any symptoms so why bother with meds

I don’t know Clozapin, but I know if you let AP’s away you have to taper it slowly down.

You could have nausea and vomiting :nauseated_face: you could get massive headaches, a whole bunch of unpleasant experiences plus you could relapse.

Relapsing wont happen

Lol Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together agai

Relapses usually don’t come right away. The meds you have taken linger in your system for a while, but in some weeks, or maybe a month or so you will most likely lose control. This is not good in many ways. But I guess some things have to be learned by experience.

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Thanks to the meds. if you go off them the symptoms will probably come back.

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