im 15 and i cant seem to care less about myself… ive been talking with psychiatrists and trying to heal but im worried that no matter what, ill always somehow not accept me for me…
I think you will. Your only 15. Teenage years are crazy times. You will learn to love yourself as you grow older and mature. I guarantee it
You will likely see good in yourself that you appreciate in time bud. I felt the same way at 15. Write your positives down and also compliment others for good you see in them and i believe you will also see those good qualities in yourself. Communicate hope and care whenever you can and it reflects
Ive been thinking about this a bit lately and ive been thinking about hands on healing when im feeling down my partner rubs my chest or my head sometime my feet and i feel better the other day i tried putting my hands on my heart and sending myself positive energy it worked for me so im trying to do this to generate some self love only has to be 5 minutes
You’re at a tough age, so trust that it gets better. Be kind to yourself the way you would be to someone else. Try to do things you enjoy, reach out to others and stay active and involved in life. We’re our own unending projects, and that’s good, but also focus on others and other things to keep a balanced perspective. You’ll be ok. You sound mature for 15.