Why whenever sz is brought up in the media it's always negative shit?

Starting to piss me off. I’m watching a new show on tv with my mom called How to Get Away With Murder and they brought up schizophrenia, saying, about a boy at christmas time he pad locked all the doors in the house and lit the christmas tree on fire killing his parents. Why oh why is it always negative ■■■■?

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Good doesn’t sell. It has no conflict.

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Watch episode 2 of Adam Ruins Everything, its on YouTube. The part about Tylenol is particularly relevant.

and With a Statement Such As That … ,

What Does That Say About Tha Culture Of Society We All Live Within Now …

Just saw Ellen Saks on a PBS documentary called The Brain With Dr. David Eagleman. I thought she presented a positive image of schizophrenia. Of course educational TV might be expected to stay closer to fact than commercial TV.

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Ya ellen saks isn’t all over the news like that one guy from the batman shooting and his trial.

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Damn, I don’t know if I should take it down but someone made a meme with the joker line of it.

He was a person accused of a something as a cover for a bigger more elaborate crime

Naught Much Respect For Those Who Lost Their Lives … ,

Which Can Instantly Ignite a Passion To Hurt Tha Other Innocence Who Have a “mental” “disorder” … ,

Tha Truth To Humor is That , That Picture Doesn’t Even Get Any Laughs … ,

and If It Does ,

Hmmm sounds like a conspiracy.

Ya I heard about some conspiracy involving his father. I choose not to believe it.

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Well I don’t watch tv so I wouldn’t know.


There was some conspiracy he was on some drug that’s really bad for you. Like one of the worst drugs, and when I say worst I say worse than meth, heroin. I think it’s called scopolamine

Watching the video, the whole situation is sad.

Someone deleted the video, I’m creeped out going to bed

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Trust Me You Good … ,

Be Cool Drink Some Tea OR a Delicious Soda , Put ON Your Favorite Comforting Music and Write Some Poetry …

Probably because it wasn’t recovery oriented. Fueling conspiracies could make people paranoid or delusional. It’s not healthy thinking.

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Most of what the media does is “negative”. Fear is a common way to motivate and interest people.

But not the only way. Personally - I tend to mostly watch comedies. I recommend other people do the same.

I deleted the video. We try not to promote conspiracy theories here. Not a healthy perspective on life.

Once Again Tha Lyrics From MARILYN MANSON Come To Mynde … ,

“some of them want to be abused” … ,

e(Y)e Understand Tha Fun Hallow’s Eve Type Of Youthful Playing With Fire Type Of Physicality … ,

but It Leaves Too Much Space For Someone’s Innocence To Be Stolen …