Starting to piss me off. I’m watching a new show on tv with my mom called How to Get Away With Murder and they brought up schizophrenia, saying, about a boy at christmas time he pad locked all the doors in the house and lit the christmas tree on fire killing his parents. Why oh why is it always negative ■■■■?
Good doesn’t sell. It has no conflict.
Watch episode 2 of Adam Ruins Everything, its on YouTube. The part about Tylenol is particularly relevant.
and With a Statement Such As That … ,
What Does That Say About Tha Culture Of Society We All Live Within Now …
Just saw Ellen Saks on a PBS documentary called The Brain With Dr. David Eagleman. I thought she presented a positive image of schizophrenia. Of course educational TV might be expected to stay closer to fact than commercial TV.
Ya ellen saks isn’t all over the news like that one guy from the batman shooting and his trial.
Damn, I don’t know if I should take it down but someone made a meme with the joker line of it.
He was a person accused of a something as a cover for a bigger more elaborate crime
Naught Much Respect For Those Who Lost Their Lives … ,
Which Can Instantly Ignite a Passion To Hurt Tha Other Innocence Who Have a “mental” “disorder” … ,
Tha Truth To Humor is That , That Picture Doesn’t Even Get Any Laughs … ,
and If It Does ,
Hmmm sounds like a conspiracy.
Ya I heard about some conspiracy involving his father. I choose not to believe it.
Well I don’t watch tv so I wouldn’t know.
There was some conspiracy he was on some drug that’s really bad for you. Like one of the worst drugs, and when I say worst I say worse than meth, heroin. I think it’s called scopolamine
Watching the video, the whole situation is sad.
Someone deleted the video, I’m creeped out going to bed
Trust Me You Good … ,
Be Cool Drink Some Tea OR a Delicious Soda , Put ON Your Favorite Comforting Music and Write Some Poetry …
Probably because it wasn’t recovery oriented. Fueling conspiracies could make people paranoid or delusional. It’s not healthy thinking.
Most of what the media does is “negative”. Fear is a common way to motivate and interest people.
But not the only way. Personally - I tend to mostly watch comedies. I recommend other people do the same.
I deleted the video. We try not to promote conspiracy theories here. Not a healthy perspective on life.
Once Again Tha Lyrics From MARILYN MANSON Come To Mynde … ,
“some of them want to be abused” … ,
e(Y)e Understand Tha Fun Hallow’s Eve Type Of Youthful Playing With Fire Type Of Physicality … ,
but It Leaves Too Much Space For Someone’s Innocence To Be Stolen …