haha my sat prep was drinking on the weekends. which explains my low 1080 score.
I’ve been taking standardized tests since I could read. I would need more information before I decided if they were discriminatory against low income students. I didn’t do any test preparation, and I still was a national merit scholarship finalist on the SAT. I was pretty lackadaisical in school, though. My grades weren’t that great. I don’t know if the standardized tests are an accurate predictor of future success or not, especially for a schizophrenic. I joined the army instead of going to college straight out of high school. My army career had its moments, but it ended badly.
lol, same here and I got a 1320.
I didn’t prepare and got a 1900.
Our district doesn’t do standard testing in high school, but Juniors (11th grade) take ACT instead for free instead.
I paid 80 bucks sophomore year to take it, no prep. I was a 3.8GPA figured I’d do good on ACT…I got a 21. Hubby got a 24, would of been higher but his language arts killed his score. My mathematics and science tanked mine.
When I took the ACT I got a 31 in math and a 25 in English. That really surprised me because I am not that good in math, and I’m pretty strong in English. I was pretty confident in my scores in English. After thinking about it I decided some smart ass who was checking the scores deliberately switched my scores on the two disciplines just to make me scratch my head. People do ■■■■ like that.
When I took the SAT they had a top score of 1600. These days they have a top score of 2400, don’t they? I just barely made the cut to be a national merit scholarship finalist. I made a 1230 out of a possible top score of 1600.
I knew a man who had an IQ of 158 who was completely dysfunctional.
Back in my day there were no ideas of prep work. But I had challenging classmates. Out of a class of 32 there were 3 finalists.
I just remember my overall ACT was a 21. I threw away the results I was so pissed. I wasn’t going to college with that score so gave up. John went for a few months to one college and a few months another college, we just finished off those loans. The first college, none of his credits counted because they weren’t credentialed in that program, 14k in loans for him to do the one semester, and none of it could transfer. We didn’t get in on the lawsuit as we were in SD when it was being done, and our PO forwarding had ended years before the suit so it was claimed we were unreachable…but the student loan payments came every month…
I saw that video 2 days ago, to me it isn’t about race, if it was like the student who is speaking he couldn’t explain why Asians outperform every race who took the SAT. To me it’s the most fair grading that it exists. Every teacher criteria is different, so I don’t know if they could have better grades in school than people who have better scores in SAT.
Unfortunately maybe those people who score less in SAT don’t have parents who could invest more on their education, and education in USA is very expensive. So I still don’t understand why they don’t talk about asians having the better scores than whites.
With that said, I think it’s a very hard exam, and parents these days invest a lot since the beginning of their school age, and sometimes they spend as much on their kids with language and music lessons(e.g) as they had to spend on their college. Maybe those parents know they should prioritize education and save more before they have kids because they have a sense that it is expensive, instead of just having unplanned kids without any savings which they can spend on their education.
haha. well done, you got me beat.
i think i could have done better if i would have been a more serious student. i was so focused on my sports, i don’t put a lot of time in. just went to class and paid attention but didn’t ever really do homework at home. i lived like that from about the 6th grade to graduation. i got straight A’s in 5th grade and had real high standardized test scores, but the curriculum was much easier as well.
the high score was a 1600 as well back when i took the test.
Just adding these to the mix. Would differences in the SAT be eliminated if there was no test prep industry , or would the difference just be less ?
Why despite being at a disadvantage compared to those from a higher social class do some families move up the social scale ?
Click on IQ estimations . Mensa doesn’t regard SAT as a measure of IQ after 1974.
I don’t remember even being informed of my score. Evidently I did ok bc I got accepted into college. I didn’t prepare for my SAT. I just studied hard in high school. In my day they didn’t have SAT prep courses though
Re moving up the social scale .
3gt - Skilled w/class? Was a joiner/cabinet maker . On electoral roll in 1860s as had a couple of houses .
2gt - coach builder , later had a small shop .
Gt - GPO electrician. Ended up chief inspector of engineering dept in GPO.
Granddad- Higher clerical officer
Father - Army officer, diplomat, Who’s who entry.
I blew mine off completely. Didn’t care at all. But then we had a test in math, science, and English to get a state endorsed diploma and my counselor convinced me I couldn’t go to college unless I got it. So I paid attention and got the state endorsement. So crazy. I was such an idiot back then, not caring about anything educational.
If you can’t pass the SATs then you’re not ready for college. I mean I didn’t study for my SATs. I knew the answers based off what I learned already in high school. That was 26 years ago though
I was so eager to leave my dad’s house that I made sure my grades were good. I had to go to college. Plus I was always a nerd anyway