Why does music and movies and a lot of popular media focus on “staying young forever” and saying stuff like “these are the best years of your life” the obsession with staying young and peaking sets people up for failure.
We should always be striving to be our best all the time and enjoy our lives no matter where or how old we are, we should always be open and excited to experience new things
I don’t understand it
I agree @ZanyNotStoopid. I am a registered nurse who works in aged care. I can say that aged care has some much richness in terms of their life experiences. I hate it how society treats them as throw away people. Most people do not appreciate aged care as much as they should.
My dad is still having sex at 73.
He was his happiest he has ever been at 70.
My grandmas happiest time was in her sixties.
There is a obsession with youth and looking and being young.
I’ve fallen for it to because I would have a face lift if I could afford one.
Inner beauty is most important.
The soul n spirit n true colours but good to take care of oneself no matter what age.
My dad said no one wants to be old and ugly.
He said old people are ugly.
Ha ha ha ha ha
I don’t agree I reckon specially not on a deeper level but there are some old barbie dolls and lens around that have had plastic surgery.
Natural inner beauty is most important of course.
Some people have a happy old age.
Lots of people might get more fragile and sick which can suck.
I was going to age naturally and even go hairy but changed my mind if I can afford maintenance I’ll do it I think.
Water aerobics is said to be good for old and obese people.
Or a walk.
Glad to hear your dad is happy, I’m only 23 but I hope I can live long and prosper like that hahaha
My mother is around 60 and she is zen lady and much more chilled out so I’m glad about that.
I don’t think I would have anything done to myself, I’m too scared of needles and procedures lol
I agree it’s easy to be a meanie for a lot of people and I wish I could be more like the nicer happier folks, but then again I never know who exactly is masking or faking their personality.
Thanks for the health tips, I need to start lifting and whatnot
There’s definitely not as much recognition for elder care.
I wish I had bonded and got to know my grandma and great grandma while they were alive, but I was a problem child so I guess that’s my karma
I was youth thirty years ago. Now I hit six decades. Don’t get around as well as I used too but if anyone wants to know what Led Zeppelin was like in concert, what it was like in L.A. after the Sharon Tate murders, how to raise a Pet Rock, or why corduroy pants were so popular, I’m your man.
But don’t ask about the historic Watergate hearings, those were just boring.
I’m forty and these years are some of the best of my life.
My symptoms have mellowed out, I’ve rediscovered my passion of filmmaking, I own numerous cameras, plus I’m way more attractive at forty as opposed to when I was in my twenties.
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