Why the hell am I tw

Suicidal. Crisis called me back said to come up there if I’m starting to feel depressed and anxious. None of it makes any sense. I was doing okay. Jesus. It’s like getting hit in the head by a softball in 11th grade.

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I hope you feel better Rox.

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Thanks I’m trying to flood my mind.

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I’m sorry. Symptoms can be very cyclic and I’m glad you reached out for some help. Take it if you need it and look after yourself. It’s good you can recognise you need some help if you get too bad.


Honestly your best bet is to find a male with sz. You’ll find someone you can relate to and it will give you hope. At least that is what is working for me

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Of all the posts to be flagged… this one?

Be civil and supportive and don’t be creepy. I think you were out of line and we all have different journeys. Be kind.

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Take care. We are here for you.

Maybe have a really nice bubble bath and listen to your favourite songs whilst in the bath.

It is good that the crisis line are being so supportive


I run into this issue sometimes too. Symptoms will pop up seemingly out of nowhere. My theory is that our brain thought that way for so long it became habit. Our brain has paths of thinking that it uses so its hard to create and use new paths of thinking. Every now and then it uses the old path because it used to use it all the time. I know it’s hard but try not to blame yourself. Its something that happens and its okay.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, don’t hesitate to go up to crisis if you need to.

I think distraction is a great idea. Maybe a favorite book or a favorite hobby that really keeps you busy.


@roxanna hang in there, kitten…seek help if you need it.


I just don’t feel good anymore. It’s so hot outside. I felt like leaving maybe going to the store. Idk. Thanks for y’all concern.


Why not get some icecream or something cold and try to stay cool for the next few hours. I think staying cool can help with violent emotions.


Getting out sounds like a good idea. If you’re feeling awful you should probably request help.


I’m not gonna type another thread I’ll just keep going here.

Still feeling weird. The ctc called this am.to check up on me. I don’t what it means going on. I just know something is wrong.

You are not alone. I had a wonderful morning, but by noon i was suddenly hit by the same softball as you and now I cant sleep for the same ideation. Hope the best for you - and me.

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Thanks hugs same for you.

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I’ve been through a lot with sza and mostly depression. I’m glad I’m alive. I just feel bad on some days like today. I want us all to have a cure. I know I’m laughing about what’s the use anymore.

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