Why people with schizoprenia could benefit society in more ways then we can

what do you think of this piece?

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So the piece basically argues for differently abled rather than disabled. Some people with sz are, not to be negative, truly disabled. For others, like myself for instance, sz has created a combination if traits that could possibly be useful if I am stable enough to utilize them.

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Pretty much. the main idea is to find specific things which somebody with sz can excell at

but to be good at not by hiding the symptoms as much but by putting the symptoms into the use of that something

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like paranoia for a cop
mania for a fighter
loose associations for a painter


but this requires specific training and more research

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Not to be a downer but as much as I would like to think so, and have tried to think so, sz is not an ability.


not trully. but some people with it are very able and could do something usefull if they have the symtoms under control as in not controled by symtoms*

but that would require a totally different aproach and therapies.

it could be done, it is not impossible but it’s hard to do it because of our current scientific limitations. and because normal people cant see past the normal way of doing a thing.

even we have that same problem. It is hard for me to think of something i would be good at because of my paranoia for example. i can think of certain aspects where its good thou

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One area I thought at one time sz was an ability was sociology. Sociology can require someone to be detached from society, have a kind of paranoia, think odd, atypical thoughts, be a thinker, etc. However sz causes behavioral and thought problems. Maybe 1% of szs would succeed at that role.

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i didn’t took into account the people with incredible inability to function, because that’s where im the most skeptical about.

i think of people who have normal intelligence and less cognitive impairment which can use something like this.
which statistically are rare

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i thought about philosophy which i can do. because of similar reasons to yours

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another thing which is intresting is that we don’t know what people with big cognitive impairments are really feeling and thinking.

i am talking about people who might score below 20-30 on that scale of functioning, to put it nicely.

because they might as well be aliens, but that’s compared to normal standars and a normal made world.

they could do something usefull but our own closed view dosen’t let us see what, because we never been in that position and if we were in that position the others would treat us from they’re normal people point of view

since the misunderstanding betwen normal and big cognitive impairment people

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I have sz. Although I can’t know what another person is thinking, sz or otherwise, I know that the thought has no use value.

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i dislike to disagree but they do have value.

even from your practical pow, which puts accent on psysical, external world.

but i just want to ask, was the article clear, sound ?

The article was readable. It was fairly sound although it comes off as speculation.

Speculation is like saying theres billions of people in the world, at any one time a random person can conceive an idea like the theory of relativity but it is lost to time because that persons thoughts arnt valued.

Nonspeculation is saying Albert Einstien was a methodical, imaginative and learned thinker with tremendous brainpower. His thoughts are recognized because he had the wits to recognize them himself.

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thank you man .

This is a really good point your making i wish i could say more about it.
it is truth , it is a hard/sad truth from my point of view, i think from yours also. so i don’t know what more to say.

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makes me think of things which i dind’t in some time.

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