Why my brother and me in church directory pic at 10 years old without our mother in it

It was a rare professional photo

It was frowned upon being single mother in catholic church

She put us out there without her

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Thanks for all the responses

I’m sure there’s other crap

That’s sad. It may have been more a sign of the times though than the church. I would hope that wouldn’t happen nowadays.

is that the only photo? i have very little photos of me at home,

I’m an anglican, and Episcopalian. And we ALL can get communion we don’t have to join the catholic church. It was easier to go to a church like this than some sadistic catholic priest with a coke habit and talked faster that the guy in the 90s micro machine ads.

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Ah huh I remember was fly away and I wore Laura Ingalls dress

I remember my mother getting frequent kidney infections
I’d have to call into her boss
That might have been why no pic with her

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That made me think of the Gunne Sax brand of prairie style dresses that were popular in the 70s