There is nothing special about me so why are the people on tv talking about me all day everyday? I just dont get it. There is nothing spectacular about me and I feel like they are just dumbing the country down by just talking about me all day. What is the world coming to?
The TV is not talking about you. That’s a delusion.
It’s a delusion. Manifestiation of schizophrenia symptoms. Treat the problem and that phenomenon stops dead.
The tv is broadcasting what they think I am thinking. I heard that is common with having schizophrenia, broadcasting thoughts. It’s just that the people around me are talking about me as well. Has to be some truth to it, but again what is so special about me? I dont know what the world is coming too. Just ignorant.
Oh dear lord,
Stop watching the TV!
It’s clearly a trigger for you,
Leave it off.
I have the same thought broadcasting thing. My solution is to only watch Youtube, and only when one person is talking. If the video takes place outside I just nope out of it, since there’s all kinds of background noise that I “interact” with, and it takes the fun out of the video having to be aware of all the ■■■■■■■■going on.
Got it @naturallycured
I think the kernel of truth is that we do for a lot of reasons get into a rut of thinking we are special. Seeing a therapist has this side effect on me. Being isolated also makes me feel different or special.
But I echo what Naturally Cured said in that the meds take care of this symptom of ideas of reference with regard to the tv. At least they did in my case.
The fact that you’re questioning it and you realize you’re not special is good, that’s a small amount of insight. If you could try to build on that, that would be great. Are you still seeing a doctor and getting medicine? Mine gets tweaked every so often and I always tell the doctor everything.
I never had thought broadcasting,
I had thought insertion and thought withdrawal, though
Yes I still see a doctor and take medicine.
I keep asking the same: “why me? I’m not special” but my life is broadcasted worldwide, and everyone is an actor and I’m the protagonist against my will
Sorry you are going through that. It is very tough. Hopefully in time and with proper treatment we will recover from this. ((Hugs))
The tv talked to me for awhile. It stopped long ago. The main thing for me is i hear people say random words/sentences. Like just today i was walking by 2 girls talking and one of them yelled beauty! Lol. I also heard another woman say “youre a ■■■■■” to some woman helping her.
It seems like it makes you mishear things. Its best to ignore them, i thought people were speaking in a secret language or code.
I heard the woman on the weather network say something about a vain heart to her partner news caster. These days i dont hear much tho.
Me too. I care about myself but I am no different than other people. Why me? I feel targeted, need to take a prn today. I wish these people will get what they deserve. I mean are they serious?
My delusion today is I cause Corona epidemic because of something I wrote ages ago while being institualised in a menthal hospital.
Some idiotic part of me is thinking I triggered the virus because I thought too hard about the beast system, and about how a cryptocurrency could fill that role. With my understanding of crypto I don’t believe that’s possible, at least with a decentralized currency, but that dumb gullible part of me is thinking this is punishment for even thinking of that.
It’s totally irrational. The universe is just random and shitty for no discernable reason than the selfish whims of some unaccountable individuals sometimes.
What you are experiencing is not real. So lucky you
How are you dealing @anon55704218 with your problem? Me not too well sometimes, it makes me act not to caring to people I love I have fears and just want to be at peace, I just want to be with my friends but don’t want my thoughts being read. It is a nightmare.
Hallucination and or a delusion.
My world has been warped due to this illness too,
Gotta get by somehow