Why is it ok for people to make fun of people for mental illness, but if you make fun of someone for their beliefs or culture or race your a hater. That makes absolutely no sense. I’m not saying any of it’s ok because making fun of people for their beliefs, disabilities or background isn’t very cool. But like you can make fun of depression or SZ but you can’t make fun of down syndrome. It makes no sense. And anytime its brought up about someone making fun of autism or down syndrome or race, then the argument is it’s not their fault they were born that way. So are you saying its my ■■■■■■■ fault I have a mental illness thats “different?” What twisted reality do we live in?
Thus Is A Good Question … ,
e(Y)e’ll Git Bak Ta Ya 0N Thaz 1 …
There’s other things too that are uncontrollable that people are able to assert stigma against. This reality is pretty twisted but it is better than stuff years ago. We’re slowly improving over time. But our society isn’t as progressive and liberal-thinking as we make it out to be.
I see humor in everything…
My relapses were half tragedy/ half hilarity. If you can’t laff at yourself sometimes, you’re in for a pretty miserable existence.
During an episode once I anointed myself with oil on a “sacred hill”. Got into my eyes. Still burns … so no, I don’t find humor in it…
People often think we are responsible for our illnesses, particularly substance abusers and schizophrenics (Corrigan one of his billion of publications circa 1990-2015)
I think there are some jerks who make fun of us and that sucks. But not all humor is bad. When I am acting off the walls, or avoiding the creepy X Box, my friends are like, “Watch it, CJ, your schizophrenia is showing!” It shows they aren’t afraid or uncomfortable about it. And making fun of something is one step closer to acceptance. I think it goes fear, then derision, then education, then acceptance. So people used to be so terrified of us they kept us all locked away. Now they’re making fun of us. I’ll take it for now.
It is not ok. Its insensitive and cruel and not compassionate at all. Unfortunately there are people like that. Just because they don’t think about being in other peoples shoes. But I believe in the end that it will be unfortunate for them, maybe not in this life but the next. they just do not know the golden rule like the pope has said do onto others as you would have them do unto you. some people has no capacity to be nice.
I think it should be okay to make fun of cultures. There are some that are definitely deserving of ridicule and contempt.
It won’t be okay in the future. I have a feeling stigma against people with SZ or SZ in general will die down in the future. All it takes is people with the disorder/“illness” to start intellectualizing the disorder futher - to the point where there is no making a mistake about us.
You can also be mentally ill AND an a$$hole wrapped up in the same personality.
This can make you the target of ridicule from time to time. Not the fact that you are mentally ill…just the fact that you are at heart, a complete douche.
I have a keen eye and can usually spot the difference.
If it’s actually funny,
I don’t have a problem laughing, regardless of the subject.
I do have a problem if someone uses humor as an excuse to be mean to others present.
There is a time and place for everything, and a little discretion goes a long way.
Schizophrenia is hard to understand for people without it or you have never been around it either. Maybe your friends care for you and are trying to keep your spirits up. I used to go around telling everybody I met that I was on medicine and had schizophrenia. Nowadays I do not tell people because I want to accomplish things on my own merit. Instead of complaining about how they joke about the illness, joke with them like saying you see two of them or something.
My problem is the fear of telling someone and them being ok with it. Id be fine with some of the humor @cj9556 was talking about. But its trusting someone enough they don’t turn on you. And then theres the problem with people who don’t care enough to be considerate.
That My Weirdo Friend Could Come From A Foundation Of Indifference … ,
Which Jus Means , They Do Naught and Never Will , Care … ,
It Doesn’t Make ANY Sense , Especially If You Come From A Good Solid Foundation Of Peace , Your Self Anahlyzation Of What Equals Common Sense Will Never Free Your Spirit OR Mynde Of Thee idea That IT MAKES NO FREAKING SENSE … , So Don’t Even Put Thot Into it … ,
Jus Hop Skip Trot To Your NexXxt Stepping Stone Of Hope Love and Peace … ,
A Good Resistance Of Such Would Be To Be Working On A Creative Project To Ease Such and Such Within Self … ,
(by) Writing A Poem … ,
Perhaps Smiling Quietly At Every Woman You Meet , But No Lyne Crossing … , Jus Fynde Some Humor In It All … ,
and Try Naught To Go To Far Within Anything Constructive , Be It SELF OR Towards Thee Outside Of Such …,
You Mite Fynde Fear , So Go Slowly , Chill , and Lissen To NIRVANA (!!!)