Why I like the idea of a new name for schizophrenia | Broadview Magazine


I feel the stigma is inherent to the illness itself. I experience discrimination at work despite people not knowing what’s wrong with me. On the other hand, I do think “schizophrenia” sounds like a dirty word, and holds a lot of weight. So I do think changing it’s name could help somewhat alleviate some of the stigma. Especially since those that are diagnosed try to hide their label from the world. So in some ways, I think it could help.

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And it would make my life a lot less of a living hell if instead of people looking down upon me, they ease up on the judgment. Quality of life as they would say in the studies. Everyone deserves a good quality of life.


As I always say…if we’re going to rename it we should call it Prince because in everyone’s mind it will still be the disease formerly known as schizophrenia.


Change it to “Oh Yeah!” What you got? Oh Yeah! Oh yeah? Oh you betcha:)

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I once read a paper from Cambridge that suggested to change the name to integration disorder. Sounds nicer to have.

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“Big boo boo of the brain.”


How about “rammalamadingdong” ? Might as well make it interesting for doctors to say when they diagnose you. Yes , “We believe you are suffering from rammalamadingdong”. Plus, the potential for spontaneous breakouts into Grease songs would be worth it.


My grandma used to say if a pig wears lipstick is she still pretty and so life goes if you can’t sell it at the sale barn are Hamming it up then take it for its natural qualities

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