Why I don't listen to voices

Had a little too much coffee.

I was looking at my guitar and a voice just chimes in. Tear your guitar apart rip up the strings it has satanic symbols on it.

I laughed . But then I wondered if maybe my guitar has a satanic origin I have no idea. So I googled schecter satanic. And up comes all about schecter guitars and all there names actually have to do with Satan and demons. It’s a schecter banshee.

Anyway at some point I’ve obviously read about it before and now my brain is just relaying that to me in the form of voices.

Now the voice is upset that I’m posting this.

I’m well versed in ignoring this stuff though so all is well.

Just thought I’d share.


VERY high five, and kudos for making this clear to others who can benefit from “putting the Voices over there.”

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Thanks man. More people need to know they can do this.

That’s incredibly awesome that you can ignore them so well. I try but sometimes they get the better of me, maybe in time I too will be able to continually avoid listening to them and their ridiculous theories.

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it has taken me a few years to get the hang of it. , i still end up listening to them at times when they come out. but what I’ve learned is to let go of whatever they have said.

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I was actually screamed at one night by a banshee, yep. They say that you’ll be dead soon after but it hasn’t happened yet.

Set is also the name of a demon i thinks. Im actually listening to a set right now, they set up the stage and i am on set 1, set 2 should be good. Television sets, sets sets sets sets, sets everywhere.

Demon names or not man, you just don’t destroy your schecter. Those guitars are ■■■■■■■ sweet.

During my psychosis they were telling me about the order of things here and basically blasted me with being in charge of and owning all of it. You can’t have anything without it coming from demons on earth, they are the largest species of being here, they are at the head of it all.

They are even on the frozen vegetables, which i thought was funny because it’s frozen vegetables.

You know honestly id worship the ■■■■ out of those guys, why wouldn’t i if it were possible. I could try and lie about it but they’d know i was bullshitting. It’s why there are no people like me in high places here currently, they won’t let us in the circle.

Furthermore you shouldn’t look to any angelic beings either. They to are total arseholes, completely lacking beings actually they is, everyone thinks angels are great but no, not at all, they are different yeah but not really good.

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Words to live by.

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Haha yes I ■■■■■■■ love that guitar! :slight_smile:

I will shred it but never destroy :blush:


My voices got very little on me, if anything. I just have one character that belittles me from time to time over my ego. I don’t know where these people think they have earned the right to judge us day in & day out.

Congratulations for being able to look at what they are saying… and discard…

The worst of my voices are fading…

Little by little I’ve been able to discard their nonsense.

sometimes when I’m tired… or hitting an anxiety spike… they kick in and get the better of me.

I’d say I bat about 85% of being able to ignore or discard.

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well done for recognising them for what they are. i think though it takes experience to do that. when i first heard voices i actually believed they were real but not anymore. they come out with so much crap every day. if i listened to them i would’ve been institutionalised a long time ago.

i remember one time they wre doing impressions of all those around me and i fell for it. they stuck at it for around 6 months. i ended u believing the voices instead of my family…it was a hellish time. lukily i don’t believe a word they say now but it took years to find my way back to reality but then that was only to be expected eventally i guess :slight_smile:

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