Why hallucinated characters share traits?

From what little I managed to gather, it appears to me that every hallucination character or voice in the head acts in one of the following two ways.

  1. They threaten the victim.
  2. They argue with the victim.

In my case my voices often try to rationalise and justify their presence, and my delusions, much like many other victims report.

For a long time I believed that if indeed voices tell me something that I am opposed to, then it must mean that their source is another entity. Otherwise I would have only imagined company that is pleasant to me.

It is observed that those who suffered head traumas become more aggressive in time. Even banal headaches, teeth pain, eye pain, ear pain, result in a very irritable subject (I know from personal experience). They theorise that increased aggression is a self-defense mechanism triggered by the body in reaction to damage.

My question is, are there similar theories that explain the reason as to why hallucinations from different victims share traits?

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I would like to extend the topic. The content of delusions is surprisingly similar between people. I distinguish the following categories.

  • delusion of grandure;
  • paranoia;

The flavour of delusions is often either mystical (religious, spiritual) or scifi (government conspiracies, flying transformer bikes). Eerily similar to fiction genres a person may prefer.

Often there is some stupid fixation. In my case its the upcoming WW3, it’s strategies, social and spiritual impact To my neighbor schizophrenic woman it’s music, she leans every conversation toward teaching or evaluating music.

Are the delusions based entirely on past experiences? Is there any degree of randomness? There must be proposed explanations for the similarities. I am sorry I am a bit too fuzzy to do actual research so I am just hoping for a “layman” explanation.

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