Why God Created Wars

If you look at riots you’ll always notice they usually begin as peaceful demonstrations that turn violent when some hot heads start fighting. In wars these hotheads are the same folks who charge the front lines and get blown away. If these hotheads multiplied too much mass genocide would probably occur. So God created wars to thin out these idiots.

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Isn’t it pretty bloodthirsty to want to “thin out these idiots” in war? Genocide happened a lot in the twentieth century, usually connected to a war.

Look at this way. We haven’t used an atomic or nuclear weapon in 70 years. 7 million people died in the Holocaust. Today the World population is 7 billion and counting. Our so called genocides have barely dented the World’s population growth and the worst weapons haven’t been used in a long time. In reality we are more peaceful than we used to be. Yes even hotheads have families who love them and people who care about them. But they have the wrong idea on how to solve the World’s problems (violence) and usually accomplish little with riots and hate speech and they don’t fit in well with the World today. I am upset about the events in Chicago yesterday and I am worried about what the Summer will bring. I think the hotheads are on both sides of the racial lines and the people on the left and the right share the blame.

I once heard a woman say, “I don’t believe in violence, and I think anybody who does ought to be shot down like a dirty dog.” God save us from that kind of pacifism.

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Yeah I’ll concede that two wrongs don’t make a right.

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God doesn’t create wars. Mankind create wars

If God is truly omnipotent then he should be able to stop all wars as easily as moving his finger. So, maybe he doesn’t start wars, but he is complicit in them.

edit this post…

The only God is the Potato God

Moved to Unusual Beliefs.

(Wearing moderator hat and flanked by the Four Horsemen)

God didn’t create wars. People in their never ending quest for power created war. Why would God, who already has power, create war? We are not His playthings. We are his spoiled children who blame Him for all that we’ve done wrong.

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God created potatoes - man created chips

Hahha hilarious train of thought. Wished it worked quicker.

Really though. There is no god and man created god and now kills in his name.

God is also responsible for creating said idiots. Bad planning, if you ask me. No wonder people worship the Devil - at least He is consistent.


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Ohhhhhhhhhh snap

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War is caused by the lust for power and supremacy…God has these both so why bother with war?

Also, War is wrong…I believe that conflict in general is bad, but in all honesty I also think we need some way to cut our population WAAAY down…there are so many humans that there sint enough resources to go around…

God may well be a potato

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Overpopulation is a myth. Look at all the unsettled land in every country, and this land is filled with resources. The problem with not enough resources is the resources are controlled by the wealthy 1%.

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