Why do so many people here want to stop meds?

Ok, good that your husband has an eye on you.

Me before AP’s…


Me after AP’s…



Why don’t you ever wear a shirt, @anon39054230?


I was off meds for 2 years, then I crashed and burned and ended up in hospital completely psychotic.

Now I need 15mg instead of 10mg of abilify.

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Same here, I used to work out like crazy. Now I can barely move without feeling exhausted!

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gained about 45 kg from ■■■■■■■ Antipsychotics, have lost 11 kg now but it takes so long to undo the weight gain. I also feel so sedated with medications, even with newer 2nd generations antipsychotics.


Some ppl here relapsed after more 5-7 years of being off meds. I relapsed after 2yrs. Its not worth it for me as I had negative symptoms and was’t functional even off meds. My negative and cognitive symptoms started 2-3yrs before my diagnosis and before being put on meds.

Discussing coming off meds is fine, until you encourage others to do the same.


I was able to work full time while on Latuda but not off meds.

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Why did you quit latuda?

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Side effects, akathisia, insomnia and nausea. Also had to force myself to eat min 350 calories with it. Also had irritability.

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Ok, that sucks. I understand why you quit taking them.

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I am still on 6mg Risperdal.

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The last time I went off meds it was at the suggestion of my doctor and with oversight (I’m exceptionally stable and able to maintain insight under challenging circumstances). Didn’t last long, I was back on my APs in short order as my symptoms got beyond what I could handle. I can function on a low dose, but lose my function with no dose.


do you have to eat at least 350 kcal when taking latuda? my doctor told me it was fine with just a protein shake? :thinking:

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Yes my Dr and the pharmacist told me it has to be 350 calories minimum, its also written on the med package.


i had no idea only knew you had to eat something :sleepy:

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Well from what I remember I think a protein shake with milk and maybe bananas is 350 calories or more.

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I want to go on a lower dose because I cannot concentrate on anything and they are noticing at work it is embarrassing and they think I dont listen when I do. I also struggle with motivation and lack of creativity. I’m practically mentally disabled living like this I hate it. Plus I get ocular gyric crisises which are like attacks and can last ages. Honestly if I had to live like this for the rest of my life I would rather not live it’s just not worth it.


feel the same :frowning: 99292929