Why do I keep doing this to myself

Idk why I keep doing this. I stop my meds because I feel like I’m fine, and then my voice Chester chimes in and keeps chatting at me and inserting thoughts into my brain and I’m just struggling with that and I’m sza and I’m pretty sure I’m manic can someone just hear me

Have you considered injections? It would help this problem you are having.

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The meds make you fine. They control the symptoms to a degree, but not perfectly. You feel fine because of the medication and once you stop taking it the symptoms come back and get stronger. It happens to a lot of people. Just get used to the fact that you will be on them for quite awhile. Like you say yourself, nothing is going to change. Every time you go off them you will have the same results. Unfortunately, each time you go off your meds and psychosis comes back or each time you relapse it will take a cumulative toll.


I agree with this 100%, but I think if you lead a healthy lifestyle filled with NO DRUGS, eating properly + moderate amount of exercise; your chance of relapse is slim to none. Meds or not.

(Meds do help greatly, of course)

Wait are you suggesting that I do drugs? Because I’m completely sober, no alcohol, no weed, no hard drugs. Nothing.


Go for it.

No… I mean what you’re saying is implying that I do drugs, which I don’t.

Also cool no need to be a jerk here. I’m not doing drugs and I don’t plan on it soooo

I didnt imply anything to anyone.

Are you picking a fight with me right now ? :hushed:

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