Why am I so sensitive

Whenever I get in a conflict with someone I care about I get so upset.
Just had a disagreement with someone, where I posted a stat about something we were arguing over and they said if I didn’t drop it they wouldn’t visit me. The whole situation makes me me feel awful. Like Im not cut out to deal with human beings, or that I’m cut from a different cloth to everyone else in society :frowning:

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It sounds like the other person wasn’t willing to hear you out. That’s unfair. I don’t think being upset over this is you being overly sensitive.


Maybe you’re right. In this instance.
I guess she did try and shut the convo down, which is normally a sign of not having a rational way of responding.

I guess, I just feel like whenever I have disagreements with people that Im always in the wrong somehow (even when I feel like I did everything right and fairly). I feel responsible for friends getting upset with me even when I know I didn’t do anything bad. And I get sad that I always get so upset about it lol.


It sounds like you have low self esteem. Try everyday finding things you like about yourself, even if you have to repeat the same ones. But keep looking for things that are good about you.


My thoughts - Might be reciprocity. You care about them so you want them to care back for you. If you put change in the vending machine and you got nothing you would feel cheated.


Yeah I never thought of it like that but it makes sense. Because I think fondly of them them their negativity feels more hurtful.


I feel the same way sometimes… But mine is just making friends… I can’t seem to do it no matter what I do

Is there one person in your life who you could talk about this with?. To make your feelings known. Someone once told me there are three things human beings need. Food and water, sleep, and the sense that they are understood

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I’m pretty sensitive myself.

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