I see the blades of grass dance
And I know not of the wind
So in my mind they dance for me
And I begin to dance for them
I see the water in the ocean reaching out for me
Knowing not of logic I can clearly hear it sing in breeze
And I understand the language used and means for which it speaks
I sing back to it
In a higher pitch
and a rhythmic rhyme
and then I
Take off all my clothes and give them
To the tide
I see my naked body glowing white under the moon
And I know not of the Ego
But I smile like I do
If you could see me now what would you think;
Why am I nude?
Why am I dancing? Singing?
Why am I not
Thank you CJ. I wrote this a couple years ago but never forgot it.
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It’s more eloquent than what I say to the people who criticize me for being happy about being different. Mine usually involves more expletives.
i should say ‘why am i not me’
makes more sense
why am i not me
idk who i am
i could be you
but i’m not
i’m a nobody
and a somebody
i have feelings and emotions
some of which are not real
but what is, is
and what is not, isn’t
i’ve got to remember who i am
i need to remember the grand plan
face up to reality
look it square in the eye
and say
i am what i am
Nice. Reminds me of a line in another one of my poems, “I was gifted to live both where I did and didn’t”