Whos excited for 2021 YEA BUDDY LETS GO

LETS GO, 2021 is going to be the year guys, I feel it. IM EXCITED IM PUMPED.


i don’t know, i think it will be more of the same with covid and all. i hope im wrong.

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Hopefully no more covid and that we get covid vaccines and meds.

O yea really nah is going to be awesome. Alot excited things going to be happening election, new game consoles, covid vaccines. ITS GOING POPPIN BABY.


haha your optimism is infectious. i hope you’re right.

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I know it man, its going be good year. IM PUMP. ■■■■ is going be POPPIN.


Maybe GTA6 will be out :star_struck:


o yea gta6, thats coming out okay thats sweet

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Guess what if weed gets legalize in usa omg lets go, PAAAARTY. am i wrong. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LS! In 2021 I am going to be 63! I can not believe this when I look in the mirror, I still look like forty or fifty. But I am excited to be 63. Will I still be one of the strongest in the gym?


63 im 30 omg bro your double my age, lol congrats your doing something right. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


HAHA IM excited bra, im going get tattoos, going to be shape, is going to my year. Transforming myself. YEA BUDDY :laughing:

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