Who would you like to bath on the forums?

You need a hot bath my son.

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I need a hot shower. ā€¦ thats what I need.

Letā€™s all just praise a goodā€¦bath.

I donā€™t take cold bathsā€¦ lest this should happen

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Excellent. Iā€™ve got a necrotic lesion thatā€™s hard to reach and I was hoping someone could gently massage it for me.


When I was living on my own, I got mad while taking a shower and stomped as hard as I could on the bottom of the bath tub. It cracked like a walnut and I ended up having to pay the landlord $600.00 for repair bills to fix.


Havenā€™t laughed this hard in a whileā€‹:joy::joy:

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Letā€™s sckirtert

was this the same guy that asked, What do you know about c-o-c-k?

No wonder.

Sarad, tell them to stick it in the drain for suction.

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I feel dirty after reading this thread

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Iā€™m watching you too. Tread lightly, ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .

? Whatā€™s this about ?


Think I need to wash my eyeballs with soap after reading this.

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