Who needs Lsd when you have schizophrenia

Doesnt it suck to have schizophrenia and a dysfunctional FAMILY? If u had to choose dysfunctional family or schizophrenia which one would u PICK? I’d have to say I’d rather be schizophrenic considering how I have both… that’s the only one I’d want

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Honestly I would rather have no family and no sz. Sz is worse imo. I can make friends who can replace my family.

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I have a dysfunctional family and sza. I don’t want either.


Ditto 1515151515


Just kidding.

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Same. My family is messed up and I have sza.

Lots of people with dysfunctional families will have ‘abnormalities’ in psych.

Something about it screws people up.

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