Who all is up still??
How are all you’s doing?
Who all is up still??
How are all you’s doing?
I am. But you already knew that. I’m fine. Just killing time on the forum until I’m tired enough for sleep. Forum is pretty dead this time of night.
You coulda went to sleep in the last 2 minutes😆
Nah, you seem to stay up pretty late.
I like being on here when the forum is dead, other wise there’s too much going on for me. Can’t keep up with all the topics.
How was your day?
It was alright. Didn’t do all that much. Took the dog for a walk. Went to the grocery store. Talked to a girl on the phone twice today who calls me all the time to annoy me. lol. Took a few photos in the backyard I thought I might post…but I ended up only posting one. That’s about it. Not all that eventful of a day.
How about you?
Ah, that still sounds like an alright day🙂
Days don’t always have to be eventful.
My day was okay. Went to the park and walked for half an hour, went to the grocery store for a few things… that’s really all I’ve done today lol!
6am here. Been up since 5am - couldn’t sleep!
I fell asleep surprisingly early but woke up at midnight and have been up since. Just browsing the forum.
I’m up! I just got through watching Pumpkinhead. Earlier today I watched The Green Inferno. That one was messed up!!!
What’s the green inferno about??
I’ve never seen pumpkin head either
Oh God, I’m almost scared to say the plotline to Green Inferno in fears of triggering.
But basically a group of young college activists fly out to the jungles of Peru and their plane crashes on the way out.
Then they get kidnapped by a cannibal tribe and all Hell breaks loose.
It’s kinda a throwback to Italian cannibal movies of the early eighties.
Ohhhh… I might have seen that actually😬
You little naughty!!!
Okay, I looked it up and I guess it’s not the same one… I tried finding the one I watched but I can’t find it >_<
Wiping sweat from my brow
Okay, that’s good it wasn’t The Green Inferno.
Yawwwn. Good night, I’m outta here.
Have a good night @77nick77
I’m up. On a long weekend to move my stuff out of my old house. So staying pretty busy. Dealing with delusions. Ready for my med appointment on Tuesday. I’m over this weight gain on zyprexa and breakthrough symptoms. It’s rough right now. But I’m dealing with it okay.
I think I’m gonna hit the rack too.
Goodnight everyone.
Watch out for clowns.
Goodnight @Montezuma