I’m just curious how many people have gotten a standard cold since then? I hardly get sick anymore since all the mask and distance stuff. I like it.
Most I had was a scratchy throat for a few days in september
I’m just curious how many people have gotten a standard cold since then? I hardly get sick anymore since all the mask and distance stuff. I like it.
Most I had was a scratchy throat for a few days in september
I mostly got sick after getting my annual flu shot, but nothing happened after my Covid shots. That’s pretty much it.
I had a really bad cold last year that I actually thought might be covid. I posted about it here on the forum. I was tested and it turned out not to be covid.
I had the flu right before or when covid was about to hit. Beginning of March 2020
I had Covid in April/May 2020, and some of the effects of it lasted a long time. But a regular cold? No. I’ve had a couple of times where I felt like I was getting a cold, or getting run down, but it never blossomed into anything.
Masks are a good thing.
I never got a cold but I got covid
I’ve had one cold and then COVID. That’s the only illnesses I’ve had since before March 2020. Masking really does keep illnesses at bay.
me I am sick right now after getting my COVID Booster it just seems weird to me that I was fine before getting the Booster and after getting it came down with a cold stuffy nose runny nose and sneezing, I feel a little better and it’s only been a few days since I have gotten my booster, I got it Monday the 3rd of January. Sō go figure
Nothing for a year and some and then I started getting them again this fall once they relaxed the public health restrictions.
That means the booster is working. You’re feeling gross because the booster is teaching your immune system to react, and that’s what it’s doing. This is a good thing.
You and me both. I got a massive cold a day after my booster and spread it to my whole family, who thinks they have covid. We haven’t been able to get tested, everything is paralyzed by these stupid snow storms.
Aww I’ve been throwing up all day couldn’t even keep a cup of tea down me. I’m just about recovered tonight now.
Had a cold flu type cold the other week and hubby it lasted ages but wasn’t covid as far as we knew
Geez it’s still easy to pick something up, even wearing mask every time!
So many bugs going around
Yes like 10 times or so. My immune system doesn’t do a very good job against colds. I’ve used a mask and done the social distancing but it hasn’t helped that much.
The office for national statistics
Reckons that 1 in 15 people have covid in England now
WHO says it’s not any milder a disease
Hospitals are struggling like its bad
Compared to what? Omicron is less serious than delta. With the vaccines the virus is a lot less serious than it was. It’s really just about which course of action - the quick or the slow - will be best for society now. We’re not waiting for vaccines any more, and we can’t beat the virus, so we have to finally face the tough decisions. If we can.
About 2 or 3 months ago. It was real bad. Gave me scare of covid-19 reinfection. Rapid test and RT-PCR were negative. It started with fever, sore throat for a day and ended up with cold/stuffy nose.
Right around September end and start of October.
World health organisation (who)
Said today that omicron should not be considered mild
It appears to not cause as serious disease but is not mild
My theory is I caught covid in the waiting room because one of the other people in the room with me waited until they were symptomatic before coming in for the jab.
Oh that’s bad @agent101g
It’s been many years since the last time I was sick.