Since i shot my injection xeplion i have terrible suicidal will continue two weeks and after that it will stop.however is anyone feeling suicidal at this forum like me or am i the only person
I feel suicidal from time to time. I’ve carried a razor blade in my wallet for several years, trying to work up the nerve. I doubt if it will ever happen, though I can think of circumstances where it would become a lot more likely.
i do feel suicidal at times…
but can’t…
i wouldn’t…
i shouldn’t…
plz consult ur doc…
I can relate to that. When I started taking Zyprex and Risperidone, I felt suicidal in the second week and th esecond month respectively. But this kind of feeling went away after 10 days.
Since i shot my injection xeplion i have terrible suicidal will continue two weeks and after that it will stop.
Tell your psychiatrist that you’re feeling suicidal on xeplion. They’ll hopefully put you on another medication.
i go in fazes.but yes I do feel suicidal sometimes.its acuatally empowering to know the decision is mine but if I did theres no coming back in this life which when I weigh up the good things means I never actually do it.
Suicidal ideation is like a permanent part of my thought process at this point. I will never not consider it an option. However, it’s been about 36 years and I’ve hurt myself but I’m still here. I wouldn’t wish for you to continue to feel that way, but I guess my point is that the feelings can be managed and survived. If medication is what’s causing yours, so there’s maybe a solution, I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor and changing the med.
I tend to feel like that in the winter. But for me it’s been a combination of feeling hopeless. Lack of direction , purposeless feeling.
But now it’s spring and I’ve also found purpose and direction so I feel much better and more optomistic.
what makes you think xeplion will help the suicidal thoughts? I’ve been on anti phychotics and have obsessed with killing myself for close to 8 months straight. I was then given an antidepressant and that also failed in curing my depression and suicide ideation. It eventually went away on its own, but I was lucky.
If I were you I would seek help ASAP.
I feel it everyday for the past, what, almost 4 years now? When I try to talk to my psychologist about it he says I’m doing really well and doesn’t know why I think about it all of the time. I just feel so bad, about myself as a person according to God and according to the world. About almost everyday I have flashbacks of things I wish I hadn’t done, and I think about how in the future I’m never going to amount to anything or help anyone. I do believe my family would miss me, although I sometimes tell myself that they would get over it and still have each other. Even though I often think about suicide, I’m afraid of driving a car. If I were just to get into a car accident and die instantly I wouldn’t care, but I’m afraid of becoming physically crippled on top of the schizophrenia. I keep hoping that even if I don’t kill myself that I’ll die young anyways, but hopefully not of diabetes. Unmanaged diabetes, losing legs and eye sight would be horrible. I feel trapped in this life though because I’m afraid I might go to hell when I die. Although recently I watched a preacher on tv that was explaining that hell is just dying twice and then it’s over. I think I could handle the not existing part, but suffering for eternity I don’t think I could. I really hope that preacher is right that hell isn’t for forever. But yeah, even despite the fear of hell, not for just committing suicide but for my life overall, I still fantasize about ending it every day. I already know what pills I would buy, although I forget the exact dosage. I could just look it up on the internet. It’s supposed to be somewhat painful as your liver shuts down, but whatever. At least this life would be over. I don’t know why I even think about suicide so often. Aside from being in a lot of debt and still at a community college, I know I have a really good life. I just don’t know how I can be so miserable when things are going good. I can’t imagine what I would be like if I had any real suffering.
Whenever I feel suicidal I just try to starve myself to death. Either I’m serious enough to not eat for over a month, or the feeling will pass and I’ll start eating again long before I near death.
I felt suicidal many oooh!MANY TIMES. I feel suicidal once or twice a day
I take it like it is: a bad mood, a negative mood.
Focus on sth else. If you feel suicidal now, play with your dog. Have a candy like chocolate, listen to music. Go for a walk. I know it is hard to get out from the cave, but it is worth it. Draw. Paint
Life’s beautiful, believe me.
Every one of us is beautiful.
Work on yourself esteem. You are a PERSON. You deserve to live happily, not because you are “the illness” “the condition” “the problem”. No, you just deserve to live because you exist. And believe me, that the hugest reason. Anybody or anything can tell you you don’t deserve to live. Even you.
whenever i reduce my meds (and i want to cos it has a lot of dangerous side effects) i get suicidal feelings and depression, and hallucinations… so i guess i’m dependent on meds forever.
For me, suicide is not an option. It is just something I don’t even think about. Yeah I oftenly think like “I want to die” but it is more to express what I feel at the moment than an actual plan.
As a culture in whole, we suppress feelings a lot…or tend to cover them with a socially acceptable substitutions.
If we could find a healthier and more “alive” ways to express our emotions I think that no one would think about ending his/hers life because it goes against the dogma of perfectly functional human. Because perfect doesn’t exist.
I feel suicidal when I get upset. its almost like it’s just my go-to feeling. but I can’t help it, and it happens over stupid ■■■■. minor ■■■■… although I do believe I’ll never kill myself and when I’m not upset, I’m completely ok
I would kill myself long time ago but I couldn’t do it as long as my parents live.