Rock n roll, big hair, and break dancing. You can’t beat the 80’s
I grew up in the 80s. Good ole days !
I remember the 80’s but the 90’s was also good. I am still growing up and I am having some coffee now.
Yeah I’m probably dating myself but I grew up in the 70"s and 80’s.
My childhood was during the 80s and my teen years were during the 90s. I was born in 76.
I was in college in the 80s and it was a really good time to be hypersexual…haha
Yeah, i had to keep my sneakers white. I like the 2020. It all seems apocalyptic to me. I loved these movies from the 80s.
Same here. I turn 52 next week.
Yeah I was born in 76. The 80s was cool beans! (I don’t actually say cool beans anymore)
I was born in 1970. So I grew up in the 70s and 80s too. Good times.
Wish I could go back and do it over again
I was born in '75. So chilhood in 70s and 80s, teens in 90s, with a smatterng of early 20s.
I was born in 78, so I grew up in the 80’s. I remember that was when Nintendo came out. Also there was good movies and good music during the 80’s.
I was born in 1980. I love the movies and a lot of the alternative music from the eighties.
Especially The Cure.
I was in Middle School when it was the 80’s. I was into the big hair bands.
Yeah I liked Van Halen, kiss, boston. I also liked Pat benatar, fleatwood Mac.
I was born in '84 so don’t remember the 80’s well but there are a few memories I’m sure. I remember some things like old TV programmes and music. But I’m mostly a 90’s girl. My school years were right from beginning of 90’s to just past the end of 90’s. I love the music of that time!
Me too but I grew up in the 60s 70s and 80s
Nintendo came out in the 80s. The fun factor of that system was out of this world (at the time).
My parents also got divorced in the 80s. That was hard.
Childhood in the 80’s and teenage years in the 90’s.