Who ever filmed himself/herself talking to someone?

That’s a weird experience.

I was curious about how I am “out of my head”.

How I look, how I express myself, if I look cool or just nice.
I know it’s very narcissistic but I really needed to see myself being myself.

The result of this experience was that I had a lot of empathy for who I am. A lot of indulgence despite the flaws that I saw in myself on the video.

I saw myself as a “real” 40-year-old man and not as a somewhat shy and traumatized man.
I was of course able to observe what were the visible signs of my schizophrenia.

Really it helped me to have a different representation of myself.

Has anyone done this before?

No!! Could not handle that! I am paranoid of being filmed, and have had delusions that people were tracking me through cameras – I can’t do that to myself.

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Ok I understand :slight_smile:
I just filmed myself without internet connection.

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I’ve never done that, and if I did I don’t know if I would want to watch it. I don’t like the sound of my own voice. What I hear when I talk and what I hear when I listen to a recording of myself seems so different.

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I can understand.
I “work on” my ego with my therapist. That’s a big deal for me.
I’m just trying to change the bad representation I have of myself.

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