Who do you turn to when you need help with something (in real life)

Not needing help is great, but everybody is going to need help at some point. Who do/would you turn to for help? Trivial help, important help.

Maybe I’m asking what is your support network like?

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I turn to my caseworker for minor problems. I turn to my older brother for bigger problems. My brother and my sister live far away from me, though, so I can’t ask them for too much. I’m debating with myself if I should leave assisted living and move into public housing. I hate to admit it, but I need some of the support of assisted living. There are more interesting possibilities for life on my own.

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Family (wife, teen daughter, in-laws) for help around the home and personal life. Friends for emotional support I don’t get from family. Community members for help with volunteer projects. Family doctor for help with simple medical stuff. Specialists for the stuff that is beyond my family doctor.

Hope that made sense. Early here. Not awake yet. :smile:



Family - always family.

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My mom and my psychiatrist. My dad is an ■■■■■■■ and has pretty much given up on me. Thank God for SSI. At least something has gone right in my life. If I ever become homeless, I’ll have enough money to buy a tent, warm clothes, and food. If I can ever find decent housing, I’ll be able to afford a shared room. I want to live in the Bay Area.

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Family, like my Dad, but hes getting up their in age, he is still very active.

Got to rely on myself more, but I turn into a Nervous wreck very easily

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Family, my mom and my sister.


I’d turn to my social worker, or my mother.
Then to my doctor.

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Sister. Just my sister and maybe two or three people I trust… My aunt from father’s side is the one I can always call for help but not really a person for deeper interactions.
Psychiatrists…they are just doing what they need to do to earn the money.
Notmoses is always there for advice. This forum as well.

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When it comes to the darker problems in my head… I lay it on the desk of my therapist and my doc… I don’t want to keep laying on the shoulders of my family.

But for the day to day bumps and scrapes… My family and friends help with that part.

I can talk pretty honestly about a lot of stuff with my kid sis.

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the only person i can trust is my partner. i use to rely on my caseworker but my partner didn’t like her. I can rely on my partner keeping me grounded.

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When I have health issues I walk to our hospital that is 300 meters from my place.

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