Who do you admire?

Whether it’s someone specific or a group of people, who do you admire?


Aside from ppl on this forum not too many ppl.

Yeah, people from this forum. But Ghandi also.


“The Donald” (owns 15 buildings)

I admire @Minnii :heart_eyes_cat:

I admire a lot of people on this forum. I really admire my mom - we didn’t have the easiest time when I was a child, she had so much on her plate and I was so hysterical, but she is very honest about her mistakes and regrets and has been very dedicated to making up for them.


I admire you too :heart:

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Seriously, my close family like the 20 family members I see the most, my friends the folks that will give me the time of day, ball players and the Donald too I guess.

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i admire money :triumph:

On the forum? A lot of people, for their ability to work on themselves despite circumstances that are anything but relieving. Szadmin, for this site and everything behind it. Notmoses, because of him. Pixel, for being the role model for each one of us, Mortimermouse, because he is a hero, and Daze because she is a heroine.
In the real life, there is a person whom I admire for everything that I’m not.

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I admire the solar system. Those new pictures from Pluto look awesome. I’m like the Venus of our solar system. A person I admire are my parents cause they’ve been able to deal with me for 20 years. Or the two dudes who had schizophrenia from Moby Grape. Or Brian Wilson. Or if I ever find the love of my life.


Myself and only myself.

I can’t find anything not to admire about myself any of the time, i have tried and tried but i think it’s impossible.

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The Rock


I admire Jesus.

Thank you for this post, it actually just pulled me out of a tough spot tonight. It made me remember to look to the one that continues to inspire me on how to forgive and move on.

The origin of the Latin word excruciating (meaning tormented or unbearably painful), is derived from the word crucify - out of the cross. A new word was created to describe the extreme agony that a person experiences when crucified, yet Jesus still held the capacity to pray for his tormentors, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” - Luke 23:34

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My therapist, as the years go by I have come to realize how smart and caring he is.


My son and my sister most of all

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BR Ambedkar
Steve Jobs
Jackie Chan
Leo Tolstoy
Khalil Gibran

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I admire scientists who labor their lives away in a lonely lab creating the vaccines and other medications that protect us from the contagious diseases that ravage humanity. I admire astronauts. I admire Dan Gable, the greatest amateur wrestler ever to come out of the United States. I admire Fyodor Dostoevsky’s writing, but I don’t admire him as a person. I admire Thomas Edison and Isaac Newton. I admire my older brother.

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For all the poor gamers out there, there is always Garry Kasparov.

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