Sorry about the eurochovinism. My tentative list is not necessarily made up by the best but by those I’ve found more consistently gripping. In no particular order they are:
Claude Chabrol
Luis Bunuel
Jan Svankmajer
Ingmar Bergman
Pier Paolo Pasolini
That’s a pretty solid list.
I love the films of Bergman. He’s a very “thinking man’s cinema.”
Pasolini was also a genius. It takes serious guts to be a Marxist and make a film about Jesus.
I love a lot of the Italian films from the neorealist movement like The Bicycle Thieves and Open City.
Fellini is another great filmmaker from Europe.
Steve McQueen is a UK filmmaker who has done some amazing work.
Good thread!
Have you ever seen Bergman’s Hour of the Wolf?
I think that might be my favorite European film.
His “gospel” is actually my favourite movie of his alongside his Medea. Yes, I saw The Hour of the Wolf a long time ago, probably time to revisit it. I guess Winter Light is my favourite Bergman movie.
Winter Light is a beautiful film!
I’ve never seen Medea but I’ve seen the controversial Salo.
Just one that I seriously love.
Wolfgang Petersen as Das Boot is one of my favorite films.
Salo is wonderful and all that but I’m already a happier man in the knowledge that I’ll never have to watch that catalogue of atrocities ever again.
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