White lies: Protecting someone from the truth

If your friend’s zipper was down would you tell them? :disappointed_relieved:

Yes, right away. I’m not the one embarrassing them.
I work part of the day with an elderly teacher and any number of things might be undone, showing, inappropriately on view, and I always tell him.
It’s more polite to tell. :blush:


I dunno. I remember telling my roommate he had burrito sauce on his face and he was like thank you. And I said “I could’ve been a douche and not tell you but then I was like ahhhhh”. And he thanked me again. Usually I don’t look down THERE but if it was that obvious I probably would tell them.

I’m with @Hedgehog. Right away - I would prefer to be told, so I extend the same courtesy to everyone else.


I would tell them. Imagine if they got done for indecent exposure.

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I can’t wear underwear anymore, so I would probably be locked away in prison for the rest of my life if my zipper was down.

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