Which kiss was your best?

It was a weird date. Nice guy though.

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My first kiss.
I was 10 or 11years old.
It was during a rock concert we were at a picnic.
Her name was Melissa.
She leaned over towards me and kissed me on the lips.
Innocent fun.
It was the 1970s.


I’ve only kissed two women. My first kiss was with a woman about 30 years older than me, that i met at a hotel. Besides that, a girl i dated for a couple months. Both were awkward and forced.

Then it was revealed to me in a dream that there is supposed to be some emotional aspect involved when you kiss someone. U should kiss to the rhythm ur love makes u desire to. The only good experiences i’ve had kissing women were in my dreams-- too bad so sad

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Well, me and my little girlfriend in kindergarten kissed a little when we played house.
Then in 9th grade me and my friends were playing truth or dare with the neighborhood girls and I got to kiss one of them. It was good, kind of soft.

My next kiss was years later in my first psyche ward!! I was 19. I liked a woman there and then one night when most people were in bed asleep I was in the kitchen alone and the woman just walked up to me leaned into me with her body and started kissing me. It was pretty fun. We had to break it off when a nurse wandered in. Later, that night I was in the gym and yadda, yadda, yadda, I almost lost my virginity except once again, the evil nurse walked in wrecked my life by breaking us up.


You know when I am feeling kind rogueish and astray or that my views on sex have soured. It is nice when the time is appropriate to just remember the more simple and innocent thrall of making out.

It’s really not as tense as it used to be. Those first moves and getting girls undressed slowly and all that.

There really is just as much to that activity as coitus. I think it’s always a more appropriate thing to strive for…

The sexual subduing of a woman should be considered more of a long term goal. But just sitting around wanting to kiss them might just put a man in a more fair state of perspective over his love interests.

You do have to kiss them first you know. You might not gotta tell them that you love them every time, but you certainly should be opening with a kiss.

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Best was meeting the ex mrs and just going to town…It was a memorable one and it was a first one. I was a long time schizophrenic or different.

First is always memorable in some way. You learn from that like most things!


I never liked anyone enough to want to kiss them.

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Oh you really don’t want to know.:blush:

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When my wife eats chocolate and kisses me, I’m more interested in stealing the stray bits of chocolate from inside her mouth than being a good kisser. I’m like a bear after honey, which I think she finds endearing and intrusive at the same time.

I hope she doesn’t learn any better though. Bonus chocolate is good!


Would you be offended if I said your getting stray chocolate from your wife’s mouth makes me want to puke, lol?


I would be concerned if you didn’t say that.


I dont even remember. :slight_smile:

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I think my first kiss was the best bcuz I wasn’t that ill yet so had normal desires. Didn’t like the boy much though. My second boyfriend was better but by then my sz had come so I didn’t like kissing so much.

Nowadays I’m not so fond of mouth kissing.I think French kissing is a little gross. I love kissing on the cheeks a lot though.

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Me too! I like to squeeze him because he is so chubby like a little boy. I like kissing on the cheeks and hugging.
French kissing is gross. Humans are gross in general. Along with the whole world. :joy_cat:

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My first kiss i missed her lips and licked her nose.

Was the worst moment of my life


you licked her nose?! :nose: was it tasty?

No i licked the side of it and not under it thank god

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Ectasy kiss long time ago. :slight_smile:
It was looong and lustful.


You mean like kissing on the drug ecstacy?

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everyday when I get a million little kisses from my husband that’s the best (no tongue, yuck!)

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