i think new years will be a good time, im looking forward to it more than christmas. how bout you?
this year i spent new years day hiking in the smoky mountains. it was a good start to a shite year.
Looking forward to them both being over.
I’m looking forward to Christmas more I got gifts for my loved ones this year and on new years my sister is leaving the home my only sibling to pursue nursing school so I’m not looking forward to her leaving
I always dread the cometh of a new year. That means another lonely isolated life. I really need a girlfriend but l got no game. The chicks just dont bite. Guess Destiny have written Forever alone for me in his book.
I guess Christmas because at least you get a dinner with it. Not particularly looking forward to either this year. Just another day(s).
I’m looking forward to Christmas
New Year. I like starting a new year - its like a clean slate, another chance…but I’ll be glad when the holidays end and things go back to normal - about a week or two after new year
New Years. Christmas I’ll have a day off work but I won’t be doing much for celebration. Just a small exchanging of gifts with SO. New Years though will be exciting. We will be celebrating the end of 2020
I look forward to Christmas Eve the most because my family always gets together for prime rib and trimmings…plus I party just as hard on Christmas Eve as I do on New Year’s Eve so I am still excited about New Years Eve.
Christmas is the big one for me and my GF. But I’m looking forward to the New Years as well.
o man im excited for both, im going have roast beef for christmas. lol.
Christmas. Lots of different food
Didn’t you hear?
2020 has just infected 2021
As excited as I am for The Rona to be under control and the political stuff to cool down, I don’t think New York’s ball drop will make it happen haha. Despite the fact that the worlds problems won’t go away come 2021, most of my major stressors will. I’ve got lots of deadlines to meet in the next week and I can’t wait to have it all done and behind me.
Plus I plan on getting fit so I can finally have a more androgynous physique to match my derpy little enby brain haha. I’ve been putting years worth of mental work into feeling confident enough to forth and change my body. I finally feel ready to get fit! Woo hoo!
Christmas I’m looking forward to. Spend time with family and eat good food.
My nutritionist tells me I can cheat off my diet during holidays.
So I’m looking forward to some delicious food on Christmas and New Years.
Christmas for me. Here in the retirement building everyone becomes a drunken fool on new years. Lots of yelling and fights. I’m so not looking forward to it.
I’m looking forward more to Christmas, but I enjoy New Years Eve and New Years Day as well
yeh me too. xmas will be ok but i am really looking forward to new years day, like turning over a fresh page