Wheres the Datura - a song collaboration with @Tupac

Yo guys this might actually be my greatest work ever, and its all thanks to @Jonnybegood. Couldnt have done it without ya!

This beat deserved something special so we went trippy on it. Hope you like!

@Cragger @POET and @lekkerhondje you guys all make sick tunes would love to hear your thoughts on this!

Im excited to share this as you can tell :smiley:


All thanks to both of us. Great work @zwolfgang :smile:

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Thanks man! :smiley:

We both killed it I think Im so happy with this one!

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I don’t listen to rap much, but I like it. It’s very professional.
I didn’t understand the lyrics, but take care of Datura, it’s poisonous and very hallucinogenic. I have heard horror stories / trip reports.


Lol it’s irony kinda cuz no one would ever want the datura. Thank you :pray:


Thanks! Neither of us actually took datura lol we just thought itd be a cool song and actually lyrically were pretty negative about it

Thanks for the listen, glad you think it sounds pro :slight_smile:


Sounds like you read up on it right :wink:


Good… I think Datura might be the worst trip you can get apart from toad licking :blush:


No it’s the worst period. You can die. Toad venom is much more safe


Or dramamine lol

One trip story of datura I heard back in hs was smoking phantom cigs and talking to friends that arent there so I put it in the song lol


Ahhh the phantom cigs lmfao :rofl:

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good tune =D
i like it…
great job @zwolfgang and @Jonnybegood

the drums are really great in this song =)
and the sub is really nice. did you use a real bassguitar?

anyways good job!


Thanks so much @lekkerhondje !

The sub is a bass guitar yeah but its sampled since I dont have my bass here with me :frowning:

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ah i couldn’t hear it was sampled, so really well done!

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Hey, sweet guys!! It does sound like you’ve hit a new level, both in mixing and creativity. I love the instrumentation, and it sounds you are both taking turns singing? The two vocals work very well together, and I really enjoyed the lyrics.

I have to admit, I had to look up what Datura was, lol. Interesting s***

Kudos, guys!!

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I had to look up “datura” too.

For a minute, I thought it was a nuclear physics term or something. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks @Cragger ! Im glad you agree, I think its something special

Yeah we both took turns, I got 1st verse and 3rd and @Jonnybegood got 2nd verse and chorus.

Haha yeah never taken datura but I have heard stories

Glad you liked it!

@Moonbeam Lollll nah haha I should make a nuclear rap tho! Thanks for listening :slight_smile:

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Really good guys!


@zwolfgang that’s hilarious! I looked up Datura to do some rading, and it sounded just like salvia. I tried it once and it was a f****** nightmare. Don’t touch that one either!


Thanks @Wave glad you liked it!

@Cragger Haha yeah Ive heard of slavia. Was legal for awhile but Ive heard horror stories lol not gonna touch it!

What happened in your trip if you dont mind me asking?