I’ve noticed that she hasn’t been around for a few months. Anyone know what happened?
wish I knew dude…maybe she’s just reading the site and not posting? @jaynebeal
Prof says last seen Jan 25.
Ahh, yeah, I was looking at last post in Dec. I guess she hasn’t been gone too long then.
I don’t know. I’d like to hear from her.
hey guys…how you doing? :smiley : -) yeah i’ve not been around much lately on here or facebbook…got a few health problems going on and it’s taken up a lot of my time is all. missed you guys see there are lots of new posters with the same old problems huh…
mentally i’ve been just fine and will be here to chat and hopefully help anyone going through the thought broadcasting crap…
thank you for thinking of me. means a lot
[quote=“jaynebeal, post:7, topic:43213”]
a few
[/quote] I miss you talking and careing on. what up?
glad to see you coming back, jayne. I’m sorry you are going through some health problems. Hope you get good treatment and feel subsided soon.
hey zen…how you doing, my lovely?
yeah i’ve got fibromyalgia, an over active thyroid and i’ve done something to my back (sacrum) so have been backwards and forwards to drs and hospital for a while now.
i start treatment for my thyroid soon…i chose the radio-iodine treatment rather than surgery so i’ll be radio active for a couple of months which means i won’t be able to hug my kids for a while…but then i have to start hormone treatment once my thyroid stops working and i’ll be on thyroxine for the rest of my life…bummer!!
the fibromyalgia affects my upper half and is extremely painful so on four different pain killers for that and as for my spine, i have degenerative problems in the facet joints and a possible injury to the sacrum…so basically i hurt all over and my hormones are out of control…not bad for a 41 yr old huh!! but other than that i’m just fine lolol
hope you’re doing ok x
[quote=“jaynebeal, post:10, topic:43213”]
i’ve got fibromyalgia
[/quote] me to, found out that my abilify and my testorn shots make me sore for days and weather change is almost too pain full for me to stand. my monthy Drs now have five of them appoints take a lot of my waking time. but is great to hear for you my dear
ah no you poor thing :disappointed mine started before i took abilify so at least i know thats not the cause. its funny…i live in a dead end street of ten houses. out of those ten households, 4 people have suffered mental health problems, 2 have fibromyalgia and one has neurological disorder affecting her like fibro does…thats a lot of illness concentrated into a small area…beginning to think there may be a pattern i’m missing here. i don’t know about the wider area but it would be interesting to find out. we live near an oil refinery and they are belching out noxious chemicals day in day out…it makes me wonder if there is any correlation here? anyway…i feel your pain, my lovely xxx