When your realities are branded delusions from pompous doctors younger than you

Yeah I’ve heard that. Split mind syndrome. I don’t think it’s exactly Greek though.

from wiki

the origin of the term from the Greek roots skhizein (“to split”) and phrēn (“mind”)

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Guess it is Greek. Lol

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i want to be on the frontline of mental illness

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try not to take it personal. many docs treat sz people like children.
Especially when the docs have that know it all God complex.

But you would think in a VA hospital they would understand the service has turned children into men for a long time now.? Glad you were able to leave and hope you find someone else.

Edit. When I read this again, I remember the last time I was hospitalized and a woman was yelling out, “I’m not a child” and she was like 55 years old and married.

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Pdocs are de;uded in theoir arrogance

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