When you were hospitalized how long was it for

I was hospitalized on two occassions for two months wondering if thats a long time

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The first time I was hospitalized for a month, the 2nd time 2 weeks. And the 3rd time 1 week. I think it just depends on your treatment.


Was your second time less severe because I noticed my symptoms were less severe the second time, probably because I was medicated

I don’t think it was less severe but I know that I got out quicker cause I been there before and I new all the rules and what to do to get out quick.

My psych ward is more like let’s get you one meds find the right one and get you out.

What medication and dosage are you on I was just lowered to 3mg Risperidone

I take Risperidone as well but on the highest dose which is 6mg

I haven’t been doing good lately I just got out of evaluation myself yesterday. I’m being admitted to a crisis housing to get stabled my meds might change soon

Hope you get better, I think for positive symptoms if risperidone doesnt work they usually try Olanzapam

Mmmm I think i’ll Ask my doctor about that thanks!

Theres a lot of research backing risperidone being more effective for treating positive symptoms, you gotta deal with more weight gain and risk of diabetes than risperidone though.

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What symptoms are you having

Yup i’ve gained 50lbs since being on it and i’m Prediabetic

Olanzapam is apparently worse for weight gain, I didnt gain any weight because I have bad eating habits and seldom eat regularly

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Is that zyprexa? I know the generic as a -pine not a benzo -pam

Mmmmmm maybe I won’t tell my doctor then lol i’m Working on losing the weight right now!

Doctor explained to me that the meds give you more of an appetite so you eat more, the trick is to limit the quanitity of food to your pre medication levels

Okay sounds about right! I’ll try it thanks for the tip!

I disagree strongly. There are meds like this that can cause you to be so ravenous you sleep eat regardless of your best dieting efforts. Each of us responds differently, tho

I wonder which meds cause the most weight gain out of all of them would be interesting to see a research study on it.